That time we talked to Unlocking the Magic


That Time We Talked To Unlocking The Magic


In this episode, Craig and Kevin talk with Bruce and Connie from Unlocking the Magic – a podcast about Walt Disney World and unlocking all of the amazing history about Walt Disney, his parks, and the attractions at WDW.  As they are experts at traveling to WDW and Disneyland, they are also very knowledgeable about what you need to do to prepare your home to be gone for days/weeks at a time for vacation.  What are the things you need to be thinking about when it comes to being away on vacation, and how can you prepare your home for being gone?  Since Craig and Kevin are also Disney fanatics, we also spend some time talking about Disney and ask a few questions for Bruce and Connie to answer.  We discuss this and much more on this special episode with Unlocking The Magic.


If you want to learn more about planning a vacation to WDW or simply want to know more about some of the history behind all things Disney, please download and listen to Unlocking The Magic.  Craig and Kevin subscribe to this podcast and love the insights and humor Bruce and Connie bring to their podcast.   


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